Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep.Tossing and turning.Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened today.Do you have trouble falling asleep?Do you fall asleep easily, then wake up 5 hours later and can't fall back asleep?Do you wake up several times during the night and have trouble staying asleep?
Try out the following tips for a good sleep
> A hot glass of Milk promotes sleep , Trytophan , which contains amino acid , help induce sleep .
> A shower before going to bed also help as it to relaxes and soothes the nerves.
> Practice deep relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation , Yoga ,Massage
etc. these help by reducing the stress factors.
> Avoid rich food in your dinner. Large and heavy meals within an hour or two of bed time cause disturbed sleep.
> Listen to soothing Music , preferably instrumental music .
> Do not get into argument or tense discussion after dinner .
> Say your prayer and try to relax
> Keep your bedroom peaceful and comfortable. Make sure your room is well ventilated and the temperature consistent. And try to keep it quiet. You could use a fan or a "white noise" machine to help block outside noises.
> Hide your clock. A big, illuminated digital clock may cause you to focus on the time and make you feel stressed and anxious. Place your clock so you can't see the time when you are in bed.
> Make your bedroom primarily a place for sleeping. It is not a good idea to use your bed for paying bills, doing work, etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest or intimacy.
> Get out of bed if unable to sleep. Don’t lie in bed awake. Go into another room and do something relaxing until you feel sleepy. Worrying about falling asleep actually keeps many people awake.
> Consider changing your bedtime. If you are experiencing sleeplessness or insomnia consistently, think about going to bed later so that the time you spend in bed is spent sleeping. If you are only getting five hours of sleep at night, figure out what time you need to get up and subtract five hours (for example, if you want to get up at 6:00 am, go to bed at 1:00 am). This may seem counterproductive and, at first, you may be depriving yourself of some sleep, but it can help train your body to sleep consistently while in bed. When you are spending all of your time in bed sleeping, you can gradually sleep more, by adding 15 minutes at a time.

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